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Summer Pin Collection

Dress up a T-shirt or a crisp linen jacket with the Dancing Star Pin. A strong simple design detailed from a sea star with swirl tips, the Dancing Star Pin is an elegant symbol of joy.

Anchor of My Soul Pin

Anchor Of My Soul Pin

Let's stop, put down our anchor and soak up the sun, let the breeze caress our face and watch the shapes and swirls of the clouds, "the dust of his feet." No storms can move us from stability, peace and joy for "…we have this hope as the anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and entereth into the that within the veil."

$9.00    3/4" H   Introduction  2006

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Bird Song Pin

Open up the gates of paradise! Music ushers in the presence of God and this small yellow songbird, the Goldfinch, perches on the crest of a coneflower to sing songs of praise to raise our hearts in worship.
"But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds of the air, and they will tell you."

JOB 12:7

$9.00    3/4" H   Reintroduction  2007

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orders arrive in 5 business days or less.

Cross Of Roses Pin

The cross of Jesus reminds us of what Jesus was willing to do because He thought we were worth saving. The wreath of wild roses that adorns the cross expresses His eternal and unbroken love for each and every man.

$11.00    1 1/8"   Reintroduction  2007

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Daisy Pin

This small daisy is formed from a tiny sea urchin surrounded by shell petals. Tiny daisies woven in a chain that becomes a child's crown remind the little girl in each of us that we are the "daughters of the King."

$7.00    1/2"   Introduction  2007

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Dancing Star Pin

Dancing Star Pin

Smile and dance your way throughout the day. "The joy of the Lord is my strength."

$11.00    1 9/16"   Introduction  2006

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Fruit Of Love Heart Pin

Summer is the season of long days of light and fruitfulness. Because the strawberry is one of the first fruits of summer, this sweet berry decorates this heart to symbolize that our love is the fruit of God in us.

$11.00    1"   Introduction  2007

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orders arrive in 5 business days or less.

Gifts From The Sea Pin

Remember sweet times.
When the sea releases its small treasures they become for us a party favor collected and saved to savor a sweet time of rest and joy.
Collected in this miniature cockle shell are sea treasures of coral, a sea star, and scallop and snail shells, many of the forms Margaret has used in her designs for 30 years.

$9.00    1"   Introduction  2007

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God Bless America Pin

This is the perfect patriotic gift. It celebrates the love and blessings that God has bestowed on our country with a thankful heart.
As suggested by one of our customers, wear this heart draped with the flag to honor a deployed loved one or celebrate the 4th of July.

$9.00    3/4"   Introduction 2011

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Hummingbird In The Trumpet Vine Pin

What a miniature masterpiece of engineering and design by the master Designer. His love shines through to us in the work of His hands, for it is only in the sunlight that the hummingbird's brilliant flashes of iridescent colors are seen. The microscopic discs of air bubbles that form the feather structures, reflect these colors to the delighted observer.

$11.00    1 1/8"   Reintroduction  2007

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Love Remembers Heart Pin

Tiny forget-me-nots surround the sweetheart roses. In the language of flowers, the rose is the symbol of love.
Don't forget love "always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."

$9.00    3/4"   Reintroduction  2007

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orders arrive in 5 business days or less.

Polka-Dot Party Cake Pin

Celebrate birthdays, weddings, and showers for brides and babies with these tiny pins as favors for your guests to remember a great party. Consider pinning one on each place card for a festive wedding dinner.
"So I command the enjoyment of life, because nothing is better for a man under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad. Then joy will accompany him under the sun."


$7.00    1/2"   Introduction  2007

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orders arrive in 5 business days or less.

Summer Sun Pin

Summer Sun Pin

At high noon, all the shadows disappear, and the sun presides and prevails to reign with majesty and brilliance. This life giving force dominates the times and passages of our living.
"For the Lord God is a sun and a shield."

PSALM 84:11

$9.00    1 1/8"   Reintroduction  2007

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orders arrive in 5 business days or less.

Sunflower Pin

Sunflower Pin

The face of the sunflower follows the sun across the sky each day smiling up at the "Bright and Morning Star." If you closely examine the center whorl of a sunflower, you will find that there are hundreds of tightly grouped individual flowers, each elegantly crowned with golden stamens. Following the light has great rewards.

$9.00    7/8"   Reintroduction  2007

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orders arrive in 5 business days or less.

Wild Roses Cameo

Wild Roses Cameo Pin

A trip to Ireland inspired the wild rose in my designs. They grow along side the roads and paths as they do on the country roads of my youth in Nebraska and in the mountains and valleys of Oregon. To me they symbolize the wild beauty of God's garden, faithfully blooming in love each summer.

$14.00    1 3/8"   Reintroduction  2007

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orders arrive in 5 business days or less.