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Madonna Of The Cross

The first design in the three-year “Madonna and Child Series” commemorates Christ’s ultimate purpose for His earthly sojourn and final Victory on the cross. Hand-made, bisque porcelain figurine with acrylic display easel included.

$102.00    6.5"   Introduction  1996


2015 Angel And Snowflake Collection

This year's angel themes are light and life and love. The angels hold promises and stars and suns and crosses and hearts to celebrate and share hope and joy.
Two new snowflakes join these angels to celebrate the fleeting beauty of winter's exquisite snow crystals, frozen in porcelain.

$180.00       Introduction 2015


2016 Promises Of Blessings & Healing

These are the themes of this year's angels and ornaments. Margaret designed the 2016 line to encourage you to be bold in claiming blessings and healings. Let's declare that this is the year of miracles. Step out in faith to claim these miracles for your own and your family and your loved ones.

Never give up expecting a miracle.

$115.00       Introduction 2016


Madonna Of The Flowers

The second in the series, this Madonna of the Flowers celebrates the beauty and joy that Christ made possible for each one of us every day and for eternity. Hand-made, bisque porcelain figurine with acrylic display easel included.

$102.00    6.5"   Introduction  1997


2015 Angel Collection

This year's angel themes are light and life and love. The angels hold promises and stars and suns and crosses and hearts to celebrate and share hope and joy.

$139.00       Introduction 2015


2019 Life & Life Eternal Angel Collection

The themes of the 2019 angels are the sanctity of life from conception to death and the finished work of the cross. The finished work of the cross paid for our salvation through Christ Jesus for eternity.

$81.00       Introduction 2019


Madonna Of The Heavens

The third and final design in this series, the Madonna of the Heavens is especially extravagant in detail with many starry symbols to foreshadow eternal life through Jesus. Hand-made, bisque porcelain figurine with acrylic display easel included.

$112.00    7"   Introduction  1998


2014 Collection

This is the complete collection of 2014 angels purchased together, inspired by a recent trip to France and a February snowstorm in Oregon that created a winter wonderland.

$139.00       Introduction 2014


2013 Welcoming The Harvest Collection

This is the complete collection of 2013 angels purchased together.

$139.00       Introduction 2013


2014 Family Collection

This is the complete Family Collection purchased together. The 4" Mothers Angel, 3" Daughters Angel, and the 3" Sisters Angel.

$84.00       Introduction 2014


Everlasting Life Angel

The 2015 Everlasting Life Angel is the fifth and final angel in the Seasons of a New Millennium series. This angel holds a shell cross with the circle of eternity at its apex to represent the gift of salvation and everlasting life through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross.
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$60.00    5"   Introduction 2015


Christmas Angel

“In him was life; and the life was the light of men.”

JOHN 1:4

The Christmas Angel is the fourth angel in the “Seasons of the New Millennium” five-year series representing the Winter Season. This Christmas Angel celebrates Christ coming as the light of the world. Jesus Christ overcomes the darkness of winter and brings new life.

About the “Seasons of the New Millennium” Series: The first four angels depict the “four seasons” with the fifth and final angel representing eternal life. This series was inspired by these verses from Ecclesiastes: “To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven. A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to uproot what is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to tear down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;”


Acrylic two-part easel included.

$60.00    5"   Introduction 2014


Harvest Angel

The 5” Harvest Angel is the third angel in a five year series titled, Seasons of the New Millennium. The series’ theme is, To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven. The Harvest Angel represents the autumn season holding a sheaf of wheat with more wheat woven into her crown. She follows the 2000 Spring Angel and the 2012 Summer Angel. This angel reminds us that the Lord of the Harvest has come. He’s here now and is bringing many souls into the Kingdom. Alleluia to the KING!!!

Acrylic two-part easel included.

$60.00    5"   Introduction 2013


Summer Angel

"When they sprout leaves, you can see for yourselves and know that summer is near."

LUKE 21:30

The 5" Summer Angel is the second of five angels in a series titled, "Seasons of the New Millenium" introduced in 2000. Twelve years after the first angel was introduced, the Summer Angel finds her purpose in the series' theme, "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven." She not only heralds in the Summer Season with her delicate shell butterfly—the symbol of metamorphosis and new life—but also announces the formal reentry of Margaret Furlong's 5" Limited Edition Angel into the market place.

The Summer Angel is being introduced in 2012 with an edition of 15,000. They will be offered until they are sold out.

About the “Seasons of the New Millennium” Series: The first four angels depict the “four seasons” with the fifth and final angel representing eternal life. This series was inspired by these verses from Ecclesiastes:
“To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven. A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to uproot what is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to tear down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;”


Acrylic two-part easel included.

$60.00    5"   Introduction 2012


Christmas Tree Angel

The Christmas Tree symbolizes eternal life through Christ because He died on a tree to give us this free gift. The star on top reminds us of the first star that guided the wise men to Jesus and whose light is still visible to those who search for Him.
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$34.00    4"   Introduction  1990     Retiring 2017


Cross Angel

The cross encircled with radiant beams of light is a symbol of Christ.
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$34.00    4"   Introduction  1993     Retiring 2017

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orders arrive in 5 business days or less.

Cross Of Healing Angel

I designed this Cross Angel as a tangible reminder of God’s healing grace appropriated through His Word and as a testimony of my experience of God’s miraculous healing as I believed His Word and kept on believing His Word.
Never give up!

"...he sent his word and healed them."

Psalm 107:20

" his stripes you have been healed."

1 PETER 2:24

"...who forgave all our sins and healed all our diseases."

PSALM 103:3

Acrylic two-part easel included.

$34.00    4"    2016


2019 Eternity Angel

You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. PSALM 139:13

Eternity Angel

The conception of life in a mother’s womb is one of the greatest miracles on this earth.When a life if formed through the work of God and the cooperation of man, it is a life created for eternity. “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.”

PSALM 139:13

Acrylic two-part easel included.

$36.00    4"   Introduction 2019


Fleur-de-lis Angel

This little French inspired angel celebrates heaven and earth. First heaven, because the fleur-de-lis is the symbol of north and north is the direction of heaven. I am inspired to think heavenly thoughts when I look at the fleur-de-lis pointing upward and heavenward.
On this earth the fleur-de-lis is the symbol of royalty, the symbol of kings and kingdoms. For God's children, it reminds us of…Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$34.00    4"   Introduction 2014


Flower Garland Angel

The roses and forget-me-nots in this garland are symbols of faith, love and thoughtfulness.
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$34.00    4"   Introduction  1995     Retiring 2017


Fruit Of The Spirit Angel

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law."


With an olive branch in her hand to represent the Holy Spirit, this angel reminds us that we must depend on Him to grow this fruit in our lives. The fruit is the overflowing of the Holy Spirit Himself in us. The fruit of the Spirit is also called the gifts of the Holy Spirit so we can ask for them, expect them and believe that the Holy Spirit will be a generous gift giver.
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$34.00    4"   Introduction 2010     Retiring 2017


Gift Angel

The gift symbolizes God’s love in us overflowing to others.
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$34.00    4"   Introduction  1991     Retiring 2017


Guardian Angel

“Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared.”

EXODUS 23: 20

What comfort to know that God sends His mighty angels to do His bidding. This angel holds a shield with an image of a lion that represents Jesus as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah who has conquered and won the battle against evil.

When we have Jesus in our hearts and His Word in our mouth we can be confident. He will send His angels round about us to keep us in the way, and in His perfect timing finally bring us home.
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$34.00    4"   Introduction 2009     Retiring 2017


Heart Angel

The heart this angle holds was inspired by Margaret’s daughter, who sparked this symbol of pure and innocent love.
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$34.00    4"   Introduction  1986     Retiring 2017


Hope Angel

The cross with a lily in the center communicates the sweetest hope we have in Jesus. Hope is the fragrance of heaven and our hearts yearn for this eternal home. Nothing can touch us when we turn our minds and hearts to the hope we have in every promise of God.
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$34.00    4"   Introduction 2018


Mothers Angel

This angel celebrates mothers and motherhood. The first love we experience is the sweetest and most tender love from our mothers. This angel returns this first love back to bless and thank them for their faithful loving kindness. What else can be said, but to say, “Mother I love you!”
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$34.00    4"   Introduction 2014


Oh Beautiful Angel

This angel holds the landscape of America in her arms. From the mountain majesties to the shining seas, this landscape was inspired by the hymn “America the Beautiful”.

What tremendous bounty and blessings and freedoms and opportunities we enjoy in the United States of America! This angel celebrates our thankfulness and our continued vigilance of these precious blessings.

    “Oh beautiful for spacious skies,
    For amber waves of grain,
    For purple mountain majesties
    Above the fruited plain!
    America! America!
    God shed his grace on thee
    And crown thy good with brotherhood
    From sea to shining sea!”


Acrylic two-part easel included.

$34.00    4"   Introduction 2011     Retiring 2017


Shell Star Angel

The celestial inspired 4" Shell Star Angel holds the Bethlehem star. This distinctive star is designed from shell images with a center swirl of energy and shell arms that reach out to the splendor of the heavens. In Matthew 2:2 we are reminded how the wise men reacted to the brilliant light in the sky;
“We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.”
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$34.00    4"   Introduction 2015


Snowflake Angel

Inspired by a January snowstorm, Margaret designed this angel to celebrate our Creator, the Master Designer.
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$34.00    4"   Introduction  1989     Retiring 2017


Summer Love Angel

Summer is the season of long days of light and fruitfulness. Because the strawberry is one of the first fruits of summer, this sweet, luscious berry decorates our angel's heart to symbolize that our love is the fruit of God in us.
Acrylic two-part easel included.  

$34.00    4"   Reintroduction  2001

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orders arrive in 5 business days or less.

Sunflower Angel

As the warm glow of the sun comes in the south windows of my living room it lights up my Sunflower Angel and reminds me to keep the curtains of my heart open for God's light and love.

Sunflower Angel

The face of the sunflower follows the sun across the sky each day, smiling up at the Bright and Morning Star. If you closely examine the center whorl of a sunflower, you will find that there are hundreds of tightly grouped individual flowers, each elegantly crowned with golden stamens. Following the light has great rewards.
"And we have the word of the prophets made more certain and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. "

2 PETER 1:19

Acrylic two-part easel included.

$34.00    4"   Reintroduction 1996

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orders arrive in 5 business days or less.

Thy Kingdom Come Angel

This dear angel welcomes you into the Kingdom of God. Her crown represents God's Kingdom and its fleur-de-leaf decoration, a symbol of royalty, signifies God's incredible offer to enter into His royal realm while we are yet in the land of the living.
"Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and power, and the glory, forever. Amen."

MATTHEW 6:9-13

Acrylic two-part easel included.

$34.00    4"   Introduction 2008


Trust Angel

Trusting in God wraps around our hearts and holds our thoughts and words captive to the perfect provision of God in every way for all things.

The challenges of life continually attempt to batter and destroy our trust, but to no avail, for we set our faces like flint to do the simplest of all things and we believe like a child.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths.”


Acrylic two-part easel included.

$34.00    4"   Introduction 2012     Retiring 2017


Anchor Of My Soul Angel

“Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, sure and steadfast, and which entereth into that within the veil;”


This new angel reminds the heirs of salvation to always remember and to continually expect God’s promises.
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$25.00    3"   Introduction 2006


Tulip Angel

The 1998 4” Tulip Angel is back by popular demand. This angel holds a pot of blooming tulips and reminds us of the glory of spring bulbs and the renewal of life every year in God’s magnificent creation.
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$34.00    4"   Reintroduction 2013

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orders arrive in 5 business days or less.
Only 2 of this item remain For Sale.

Christmas Tree Angel

The Christmas Tree symbolizes eternal life through Christ because He died on a tree to give us this free gift. The star on top reminds us of the first star that guided the wise men to Jesus and whose light is still visible to those who search for Him.
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$25.00    3"   Introduction  1990     Retiring 2017


Welcome Angel

The Welcome Angel holds a pineapple, the universal symbol of hospitality and warm welcome, good cheer, human warmth and family affection.
“Anyone who welcomes you welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me.”

Matthew 10:40

Acrylic two-part easel included.

$34.00    4"   Introduction 2013


Claddagh Angel

The symbols of the Claddagh Ring are held by this year’s 3” angel. The heart is for love, the crown for loyalty and the hands for friendship. When we guard our hearts and keep these commitments to others, with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can reap harvests of love, loyalty and friendship.
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$25.00    3"   Introduction  2017


Word Of God Angel

“Then I saw heaven opened, and a white horse was standing there. Its rider was named Faithful and True, for He judges fairly and wages a righteous war. His eyes were like flames of fire, and on His head were many crowns. …and His title was the Word of God.”


The Name of Jesus is called the Word of God.
God’s Word is True yesterday, today and forever!

Acrylic two-part easel included.

$34.00    4"   Introduction 2017


Coneflower And Goldfinch Angel

Margaret’s mother grew up on a farm in Nebraska, where she not only learned all the names of the birds of the plains, but she also knew each one’s song. Margaret’s love of birds and enjoyment of bird watching was a lovely gift from her mother, which this angel celebrates.
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$25.00    3"   Introduction  1999     Retiring 2017


Cross Angel

The cross encircled with radiant beams of light is a symbol of Christ.
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$25.00    3"   Introduction  1993     Retiring 2017

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orders arrive in 5 business days or less.

Daughters Angel

The 3" angel holds a heart with the ribbon banner imprinted with “daughter”. I remember when my daughter was born; my heart was softened and expanded by a love beyond human understanding. This angel celebrates daughters and the special love each mother and father have for their daughters!
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$25.00    3"   Introduction 2014


Dogwood Angel

The shell patterned petals of this dogwood blossom announce spring and the bounty of new life.
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$25.00    3"   Introduction  1997     Retiring 2017

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orders arrive in 5 business days or less.

Flower Garland Angel

The roses and forget-me-nots in this garland are symbols of faith, love and thoughtfulness.
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$25.00    3"   Introduction  1995     Retiring 2017

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orders arrive in 5 business days or less.

Gift Angel

The gift symbolizes God’s love in us overflowing to others.
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$25.00    3"   Introduction  1991     Retiring 2017


Gifts From The Sea Angel

This angel holds a shell basket filled with a tiny scallop shell, coral branches, a sea star and other diminutive shells. Each sea form is one that Margaret has used in her designs for the previous 20 years.
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$25.00    3"   Introduction  2000


God Bless America Angel

Each precious star and every bold stripe of our American Flag touches us with awe and reverence for the love and blessings that God has bestowed upon our country. This angel celebrates God’s blessing with a thankful and patriotic heart.
“God shed his grace on thee.”
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$25.00    3"   Introduction 2011


Good News Angel

WHOSOEVER calls on the Name of the Lord will be saved: Jesus, come into my heart and forgive me of my sins. I give You my life right now and turn my back on the world and sin. Help me fulfill everything you have called me to do. I thank You that I'm now forgiven and on my way to heaven! In the precious Name of Jesus AMEN!
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$25.00    3"   Introduction 2008


Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel

“For he shall command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.”

PSALM 91:11

This Angel holding a shield and sword represents the warrior angels in the mighty army of God. The top of the handle of the sword shows above the shield to form a cross.
We can have peace in the midst of chaos knowing God is sovereign and holds the ultimate power for good.
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$25.00    3"   Introduction 2009


Harvest Wreath Angel

This angel holds a wreath of wheat with ribbons and a shell star. The star reminds us of the stars in the sky that will shine forever. The circle of wheat forming the wreath symbolizes eternal life–our final and ultimate harvest that we joyfully anticipate.
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$25.00    3"   Introduction 2013


Heart Angel

The heart this angel holds was inspired by Margaret’s daughter who sparked this symbol of pure, innocent love.
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$25.00    3"   Introduction  1986

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orders arrive in 5 business days or less.

Heavens Star Angel

This angel holds an icy star to celebrate heaven’s perfect designs.
Infinite variations of six-pointed stars are found in the center of uncountable snowflakes. These sparkling stars remind us of the Star of David and all the good promises in God’s light filled Word!
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$25.00    3"    2016


Hope Springs Eternal Angel

Holding a flower form with leaves on either side raised like arms of praise, this angel reminds us that our hope never, never gives up.
Hope renews and refreshes! Hope realized sweetens our lives and builds our faith.
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$25.00    3"   Introduction 2018


Light And Love Angel

When love is in the center of what we do and why we do it, the light of this love dispels darkness. Darkness cannot stay when love comes in.
Love is the most powerful weapon on earth, it changes everything; it changes lives and it changes us.
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$25.00    3"   Introduction 2015     Retiring 2017


Lily Of Hope Angel

The lily of hope arches out of a scalloped heart to remind us of the eternal hope found in God’s love and described to us over and over in the promises of His WORD.
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$25.00    3"   Introduction  2001

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orders arrive in 5 business days or less.

Love Angel

This angelic messenger carries the precious heart of love. The heart is the very center of our being and to choose love as your heart’s theme is to have it all!
Written in the continuous rhythm of cursive, the action inherent in this writing reminds us that love is busy and never gives up and endures through every circumstance.
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$25.00    3"   Introduction 2012     Retiring 2017


Mistletoe Angel

The 3" angel holds a bouquet of mistletoe tied with a ribbon. Romantic LOVE is celebrated under the mistletoe with a kiss. What a beautiful tradition. We celebrate this tradition and all other LOVE traditions...all year round!
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$25.00    3"   Introduction 2014


The Promised Land Angel

"For the LORD thy God bringeth thee into a good land, a land of brooks of water, of fountains and depths that spring out of the valleys and hills; A land of wheat and barley, and vines and fig trees, and pomegranates; a land of olive oil, and honey;"


What a promise to pursue. This angel holds a fig to represent the Promised Land, that place where we can rest and leave the rest to Him if we will only believe in His promises.
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$25.00    3"   Introduction 2010     Retiring 2017


Savior Of The World Angel

This year's 3" angel holds a sea urchin-detailed sphere to represent the earth. On the top of the "earth" is a cross. These combined symbols represent Jesus Christ the Savior of the world. No matter what happens to us personally or in the wider world scene, we are safe in the hands of the Savior.

"God did not send his Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it."

JOHN 3:17

Acrylic two-part easel included.

$25.00    3"   Introduction 2019


Sisters Angel

The 3” angel holds a heart with the ribbon banner imprinted with “sister”. This angel celebrates the special ties between sisters in families and sisters in friendship. Who else but a sister remembers the shared joys & sorrows of life? Who else but a sister stays faithful through thick and thin? This is love!
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$25.00    3"   Introduction 2014


Snowflake Angel

Inspired by a January snowstorm in 1989, Margaret designed this angel to celebrate our Creator, the Master Designer.
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$25.00    3"   Introduction  1989     Retiring 2017


Song of Victory

Song Of Victory Angel

"You surround me with songs of victory,"

PSALM 32:7

We celebrate our lives filled with joy and success, because we know that whatever we touch will prosper and that no weapon formed against us will prevail. We are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus, who loved us.


Acrylic two-part easel included.

$25.00    3"   Introduction  2007     Retiring 2017


Wild Rose Angel

Traveling the back roads of Ireland, Margaret found the same wild roses growing along the country lanes as in her childhood in Nebraska. This design celebrates the extraordinary joy in taking the time to see the simple beauty that surrounds us every day.
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$25.00    3"   Introduction  1998     Retiring 2017

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orders arrive in 5 business days or less.

Anchor Of Hope Angel

When hope is in God and in His promises, it anchors our soul, firm and secure, to an eternal destiny with Jesus in heaven.
Acrylic round easel included.

$20.00    2"   Introduction 2018


Blessings Angel

The tiny acorn that this little angel holds is a capful of forests. When a seed is planted, the multiplication of blessings begins. Let this angel be a seed of blessing in your life and the lives of your loved ones.
Acrylic round easel included.

$20.00    2"    2016


Celestial Angel

This tiny angel comes with powerful promise. Jeremiah 31:35 tells us that as long as the moon and stars light the night, God will keep his covenant promises to his people.
Acrylic round easel included.

$20.00    2"   Introduction 1993     Retiring 2017


Cross Of Salvation Angel

I saw a thousand crosses inside and outside the churches of Italy this January. The design that influenced the cross for this year's 2 inch angel is an antique bronze cross that I saw in Rome. I was moved by its simplicity because it reminded me of the simplicity of the promise of salvation through Christ's finished work on the cross.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."

JOHN 3:16

Acrylic round easel included.

$20.00    2"   Introduction 2019


Daisy Angel

Holding a daisy whose petals are formed from shell impressions and center is formed from a baby sea urchin, this sweet angel celebrates the quiet and simple times in life. In designing this angel, Margaret remembered her trips to the park with her young daughter to pick the miniature daisies that were strewn in the grass.
Acrylic round easel included.

$20.00    2"   Introduction 1996     Retiring 2017


2” Dove Angel

This year our angel holds a dove to represent the Holy Spirit. This sweet Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ is our comforter, our counselor and our helper.
His work in us produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self control.
Acrylic round easel included.

$20.00    2"   Introduction 2017


Flower Basket Angel

Remember May Day baskets. This angel reminds us to do something sweet for someone as a secret surprise.
Acrylic round easel included.

$20.00    2"   Introduction 1999

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orders arrive in 5 business days or less.

Forever Star Angel

This little 2" angel holds a garland of ribbons and stars. Five of the tiniest shells are joined together to create these tiny stars.
“Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the the stars forever and ever.”


Acrylic round easel included.

$20.00    2"   Introduction 2015


Fruit Of The Vine Angel

Eventually, if you will not give up, the fruit will come. This little angel celebrates that much anticipated fruit; her hands are filled with a ripe, sweet bunch of grapes.

I am the vine, you are the branches: he that abides in Me, and I in him, he brings forth much fruit: for without Me you can do nothing.

JOHN 15:5

Acrylic two-part easel included.

$20.00    2"   Introduction 2010     Retiring 2017


Harvest Bouquet Angel

This little angel holds a bouquet of wheat with a heavenly star to remind us that the unforced rhythms of grace will bring us the right harvest at the right time with gentleness and rest.
Acrylic round easel included.

$20.00    2"    2013     Retiring 2017


Heart Angel

From Margaret’s spring garden, this heart took shape from the bud of a bleeding heart blossom with miniature polka dots embellishing the edge. This angel is designed to carry the message of love from your heart to another’s.
Acrylic round easel included.

$20.00    2"   Introduction 1994


John 1:1 Angel

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the word was God.” KJV.
This angel holds a book whose open pages read “God’s Word.” An anchor is centered on the front of the book.
Acrylic round easel included.

$20.00    2"   Introduction 2006     Retiring 2017


Joy Angel

This angelic messenger carries the word “joy” written in the lilting rhythm of cursive on a simple heart. The heart image is the perfect vehicle to carry the message of joy. In the receiving and giving of love, joy wells up inside and blossoms in our hearts.
Acrylic round easel included.

$20.00    2"   Introduction 2012     Retiring 2017


Liberty Angel

This angel is holding the iconic liberty flame and wearing the same seven spikes on her crown as our beloved Statue of Liberty. She celebrates the great freedom we treasure and enjoy in the United States of America.
Acrylic round easel included.

$20.00    2"   Introduction 2011     Retiring 2017


Love In Flight Angel

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs, Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. LOVE NEVER FAILS.


Acrylic round easel included.

$20.00    2"   Introduction 2008     Retiring 2017


New Heart Of Faith Cross Angel

A heart is in the center of this angel’s cross to symbolize the new heart that God creates in us when we give our heart to Him. He doesn’t fix up our old heart, He gives us a brand new heart.
Acrylic round easel included.

$20.00    2"   Introduction 2000


Shamrock Angel

Margaret celebrates her Irish heritage; remembering the lyric quality of her father’s Irish brogue and the humor and kindness of the Irish soul. And in the deeper eternal meaning, she celebrates the Triune God expressed in the Trinity.
Acrylic round easel included.

$20.00    2"   Introduction 1998


Snowflake Angel

This little angel holds a snowflake to celebrate the intricate beauty of God's handiwork. Even in the fleeting life of these tiny, feathery crystals of light, God's nature of exquisite beauty is revealed.
Acrylic round easel included.

$20.00    2"   Introduction 2014


Viola Angel

Violas are harbingers of spring, they pop up early to send a message of the glory to come. This angel is designed to remind us of the sure promises of a good future for our children and family.
Acrylic round easel included.

$20.00    2"   Introduction 1997     Retiring 2017


Way Of Light Angel

"For thou wilt light my candle: the Lord my God will enlighten my darkness."


A sea urchin forms the base of the candle holder and a shell creates the handle.
Acrylic round easel included.

$20.00    2"   Introduction  2001

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orders arrive in 5 business days or less.

Wreath Angel

A message of love and thoughtfulness accompany this angel holding a wreath of forget-me-nots.
Acrylic round easel included.

$20.00    2"   Introduction  1995


Celebration Cherubs Set

This pair comes together with gift and cake for you, your friends and guests to share special times together. Celebrations are a time for love to overflow with the giving of gifts and the sharing of wonderful food. Whether you use these angels for wedding favors, birthday gifts or to simply say to a friend, “You are the most fun to be around!” We want you to enjoy giving these away.
Acrylic round easels included.

$29.00    1.5"   Introduction  1999

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orders arrive in 5 business days or less.

Gardening Friends Set

How is the soil of your heart? Is it soft, pliable, and not completely conformed to the world? Good! Because God will use us if we’re willing. He wants to use us for extraordinary things. So let’s enjoy the ordinary things and be willing to work hard. Together, we can grow beautiful flowers in the garden of life.
Acrylic round easels included.

$29.00    1.5"   Introduction  1998

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orders arrive in 5 business days or less.

Tea For Two Set

“And the song from beginning to end I found in the heart of a friend.”


Acrylic round easels included.

$29.00    1.5"   Introduction  1997

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orders arrive in 5 business days or less.

Guardian Angel Shadow Box 8"

Welcome your family and friends in your home's entrance with you favorite angel framed in a Guardian Angel Shadow Box. This speaks softly to the powerful fact that you believe GOD SENDS HIS ANGELS to protect your family and your home. It also blesses each person that discovers your angel surrounded by God's Word.

Three angel scriptures are repeated in pale gold against a deeper gold ground to create a rich backing encompassed in a gilt wood frame. Frame your 5", 4.5", or 4" Angel or the 5" Heaven and Earth Roundel with the Word of God and hang in the entrance to your home, your child's room, your living room, or wherever you will be reminded of God's promises as in "For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways." PSALM 91:11



Guardian Angel Shadow Box 8"

Each shadow box comes with an easel and a bracket for wall mounting.

$48.00    8"   Introduction  2007

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orders arrive in 5 business days or less.

Guardian Angel Shadow Box 7"

Hang your framed 3" Heart Angel or another angel or ornament in your child's bedroom so that you will remember God's promises for your children and also to remember to pray God's Word over your children. I especially like to personalize God's Word by substituting my daughter's name in scripture: "For He shall give His angels charge over Caitlin to keep her in all her ways. They shall bear Caitlin up in their hands, lest she dash her foot against a stone."

Three angel scriptures are repeated in pale gold against a deeper gold ground to create a rich backing encompassed in a gilt wood frame. Frame your 4", 3.5", or 3" Angel, Baby's First Christmas roundel or an ornament with the Word of God and hang in your child's room, your living room, the entrance to your home or wherever you will be reminded of God's promises.



Guardian Angel Shadow Box 7"

Each shadow box comes with an easel and a bracket for wall mounting.

$42.00    7"   Introduction  2007

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orders arrive in 5 business days or less.

The 2000 Spring Angel

“Lo, the winter is past and the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the cooing of doves is heard in our land. The fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their fragrance.”


The Spring Angel, first in “Seasons of the New Millennium” five-year series, was introduced in the year 2000 with an edition of 15,000. There are 101 of these left and we will offer them until they are sold out.

About the “Seasons of the New Millennium” Series: The first four angels depict the “four seasons” with the fifth and final angel representing eternal life. This series was inspired by these verses from Ecclesiastes: “To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven. A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to uproot what is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to tear down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;”


Acrylic two-part easel included.

$60.00    5"   Introduction  2000

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orders arrive in 5 business days or less.