January 8, 2011

Send your valentine this heart that pledges LOVE THAT NEVER FAILS. You may select from five additional heart designs and six angels that hold hearts.
Click here to go to our “Love Images.”

Receive a Heart Wreath of Flowers pin as a FREE GIFT with all orders $14.00 and over. Our Valentine’s gift to you!
Offer ends 02/13/2011
Include your own personal message! The Gift Note option is available after you fill in your shipping information, before you enter your credit card details.
Happy Valentines,

November 21, 2010
Press Coverage of the 2010 Signing in Salem
October 21, 2010
Twenty Years Later
 Twenty Years Later
This first photograph of my daughter, Caitlin, and me was published in the 1990 catalog and the second photograph was taken earlier this year in New Zealand when I was visiting Caitlin. Even though 20 years have passed, Caitlin is still my little girl and it is fun to share this recent photo of both of us together.
Caitlin moved to New Zealand after she finished her BFA in Graphic Design. While she was there, she worked for a design firm in Wellington. It was wonderful to know that she was following in my footsteps as an artist and designer, but difficult to have her so far away.
To my delight, she has just recently moved back to the U.S. and is here helping us at MFD with some marketing projects and also on a new product line. We are having so much fun! I appreciate her fresh perspective and the contributions she’s been making to the new line. Both Caitlin and I are very excited about this new endeavor that will be available in January of 2011.
For right now, Caitlin and I are both contributing articles in the Christmas Ideas section of the website. I hope you are enjoying this new section in our website. We have provided a place for you to comment on these articles and also you will be able to read the comments from others. We love hearing from you!
Sweet regards,

September 24, 2010

Margaret Furlong Most Recent Introductions
We have put together the Margaret Furlong Most Recent Introduction Angels for 2006-2010 on one page. This will help everyone interested in filling their collections and looking to see which angels are missing from your collection. Click on the picture above to see the page in a larger format.
August 23, 2010

Wedding Ideas for Your Wedding Day
Margaret Furlong Designs has many ideas for your wedding day. The Love Tokens are really sweet tied to gifts, tucked in favors, or tied with ribbons to double as a napkin holder and dinner guest favor.
Actually, the possibilities are endless and especially perfect when you decide on your way of using and giving tokens of your love. Consider “Forever Love” as a unique Wedding Cake topper. Formed by two paper nautilus shells joined together to create a heart, this design symbolizes love completed. After the wedding, nestle it on a shelf with other meaningful objects, add style to a tablescape, or use it as a desk ornament.
The Love Tokens can also be perfect wedding gifts. There are thousands of ways to use Love Tokens around the home and garden.
Margaret Furlong Love Tokens were featured in Italian Vogue editorial showcasing wedding favor ideas.

May 5, 2010

March 17, 2010

Now is the perfect time to order the Rose of Sharon Cross and Shamrock Pins. They each come pinned on green cards having a simple and powerful Irish prayer. Each pin is packaged in an elegant gift box.
The shamrock is an image we use to celebrate and agree with our dear St. Patrick in his extraordinary life of love for all the Irish people. The cross is the image that St. Patrick used to convert the Irish.
January 7, 2010

February 18, 2009

January 26, 2009

December 23, 2008
Every Christmas we laugh and smile with the great joy we find in our heart. That joy that comes with sharing our time with friends and family. Still there are others who shed tears during the Holidays when there is no one to show comfort or joy to their hearts. A Margaret Furlong angel is a perfect Christmas gift to all who need a guardian in their lives. Share the divine message of hope and peace this holiday with someone you know that needs some special words of comfort.
November 27, 2008

December 7, 2007

November 28, 2007
It is with great joy that I am introducing my newest 3" angel, Song of Victory. "You surround me with songs of victory" Psalm 32:7

We celebrate our lives filled with joy and success, because we know that whatever we touch will prosper and that no weapon formed against us will prevail. We are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus who loves us. Sometimes this victory comes after some challenging time of waiting and waiting, but we know with absolute certainty that it will finally come. Alleluia!!!
Some of you have received a mailer or will shortly. Just recently we have finally located our precious mailing list on our old computer system. I began this list from every letter and every visit from my customers beginning in 1980. We added collectors club members beginning in 1999. If you believe you might not be on this list and would like to receive our mailings, please email us at csd@margaretfurlong.com with your name and address and we will add you to our list.
I am looking forward to our renewed friendship and many years of introducing new designs that I believe will touch your hearts. I love to share the tender things of my heart in images because I believe they communicate better than words and validate the tender things deep within each of us.
Let us plant seeds of love and light, joy and faith, encouragement and praise to raise the earth's ceiling and open up the floodgates of heaven.
We love working directly with you. All of you, some of you even from the very beginning in 1980 and many, many new collectors have made our business successful. Thank you.
You may go to www.margaretfurlong.com and order directly through our website or if you prefer you may email us and ask for an order form so that you can send a check.
We are ready to ship your order!
Surrounded by songs of victory,

May 15, 2007
"This is the day the Lord hath made, let us rejoice and be glad in it." We are savoring every day here at the studio.
Our work is yielding great fruit and we are excited about our new designs for 2007. Shortly after you read this, you will find the new 7" and 8" Guardian Angel Shadow Boxes for your angels and the 4" Sunflower Angel (a reintroduction) for sale in the SHOPPING section. Next the Summer Pin Collection will arrive and then a 4" Crown of Victory Angel and a 3" Song of Victory Angel. I'm presently working on the master models for the 4" Crown of Victory Angel.
For those of you who do not wish to order on our website, you will soon be able to download an order form or just email us and ask for an order form to be sent through the mail. We have included images of each product on the form along with all of the information you will need to send in a check order.
We look forward to sending our angels and gilded wood Guardian Angel Shadow Boxes to you. We all want to surely remember the precious promises of God. "For he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways."
Victoriously Yours,
THIS IS THE YEAR OF VICTORY! We are finishing a lot of behind the scenes projects and soon things will begin to show and shine on the outside.
"For the vision is meant for its appointed time; it speaks of the end,and does not lie. It may take a while, but wait for it; it will surely come, it will not delay." HABAKKUK 2:3
One of my favorite things is to communicate to my collectors and customers so I'm glad to be doing so now and I am committed in the future to communicate through our website on a regular basis.
Although we have not advertised our site yet, we have received so many wonderful communications and many orders from you. Thank you and thank you!
I want to answer a common question that we are receiving in emails. Yes this is the real Margaret Furlong Designs and I am really Margaret Furlong. Now I know this must sound strange and it has sounded strange to us when communications come to us that ask whether we are Margaret Furlong Designs and I am Margaret Furlong. We have also received emails from our collectors that have seen or been offered other's products that have confused them. In addition, we have received many communications that contained false information about my personal and business activities over the last several years. I will give you a general overview of what happened these last years.
Beginning in 2000 and continuing into 2001 I took some much needed time off to spend with my family, working only part¯time to design the new introductions and oversee a transition of management responsibilities. I believe the transition failed and the fall out from this resulted in the break down of business structures and operations. The restoration process looked hopelessly difficult and even impossible.
But, "The things that are impossible with men are possible with God."
LUKE 18:27
As I worked through these challenges I soon found this journey to be a most wonderful experience; I believe that God enrolled me in the school of the Holy Spirit. Now I'm not saying that every day was a picnic, but I knew that because I choose to give it all to Him, I was on the right path no matter what it looked like to me or to others. And now as I look back I see that this time of restoration and rebuilding was and is the greatest opportunity of my life. I am creatively recharged and my vision for this business is refined and powerfully focused. This year in my updates I will share more and more of our future plans.
I know that God is using this business to fulfill His divine destiny for each of my loyal employees and myself and to touch the lives of all our wonderful customers and collectors like you and many more to come.
We are so excited! We want to shout from the mountain tops that Jesus Christ is Messiah, Victor and King!
We're sharing the good news and celebrating the JOY OF THE LORD! We testify to the truth that when you choose Him for your Lord and Savior, you will not only be saved, you will have the opportunity to live a life of Victory here on earth and experience His Kingdom now and forever. Wow! What a future we have in Christ!
"For as the rain and snow come down from heaven and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it provides seed to the sower and bread to the eater: So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It shall not return to me void, but shall accomplish that which I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." ISAIAH 55:11, 12 "THE HILLS AND THE MOUNTAINS SHOUTED FOR JOY AND THE TREES OF THE FIELD CLAPPED THEIR HANDS."
Victoriously Yours,

“To everything there is a season and
a time to every purpose under heaven.
a time to be born, and a time to die;
a time to plant, and a time to uproot what is planted;
a time to kill, and a time to heal;
a time to tear down, and a time to build up;
a time to weep, and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
December 3, 2005
published this scripture in 2000 when I introduced my new 5” angel series, “Seasons of the New Millennium.” It was certainly prophetic of the times that came and for the now.
In 1980, when I first introduced my angels and ornaments to the entire United States, I started on a journey that has brought me to a wonderful way of living and designing and working; better than I could have ever imagined. My original purpose in my work and designs was to honor God and that has never changed except that I believe that this original vision is now an even more joyful work-in-process. And I’m so excited about my new designs:
The 3” Anchor of My Soul Angel is my testimony of my sure belief in every and all promises in GOD’S WORD
The 2” John 1:1 Angel pays homage to the Messiah, Victor and King, the WORD made flesh.
The new Christmas Pin Collection on new pin cards is fun and festive for the holidays. “The joy of the Lord is your strength.” NEHEMIAH 8:10
There are three new “Under the Wave Collection” picture frames: a round Sea Urchin, a Scallop Shell and a Nautilus Heart. These designs will only be complete when you use them to frame pictures of your beloved family and friends.
I want to thank you, our wonderful collectors, for your support, letters and prayers over the years and for now. Our prayers have been answered better than I could have imagined. God is so good. “For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory forever. Amen” ROMANS 11:36
And thank you to all our new customers for selecting our designs for gifts to give and the ones you choose to use and enjoy in your home.
I hold on to all of God’s promises and this one seems especially poignant to me: “Again you will plant vineyards on the hills of Samaria; the farmers will plant them and enjoy their fruit.” JEREMIAH 31:5
Kindest Regards,
