Guardian Angel, Porcelain Angels and Ornaments - Margaret Furlong Designs 2009

Guardian Angel

“Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared.”

EXODUS 23: 20

What comfort to know that God sends His mighty angels to do His bidding. This angel holds a shield with an image of a lion that represents Jesus as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah who has conquered and won the battle against evil.

When we have Jesus in our hearts and His Word in our mouth we can be confident. He will send His angels round about us to keep us in the way, and in His perfect timing finally bring us home.
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$34.00    4"   Introduction   2009


Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel, Porcelain Angels and Ornaments - Margaret Furlong Designs 2009

Guardian Angel

“For he shall command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.”

PSALM 91:11

This Angel holding a shield and sword represents the warrior angels in the mighty army of God. The top of the handle of the sword shows above the shield to form a cross.
We can have peace in the midst of chaos knowing God is sovereign and holds the ultimate power for good.
Acrylic two-part easel included.

$25.00    3"   Introduction   2009


Tablet of Your Heart Series

Margaret is introducing LOVE NEVER FAILS as the first piece in a new series. The additional pieces to come will each have another Scripture to “write on the tablet of your heart.” The surrounding olive branch design will continue so that these can be displayed or hung together.

Love Never Fails Heart, Porcelain Angels and Ornaments - Margaret Furlong Designs 2009

Love Never Fails Heart

Olive branches of peace are woven around the words: Love is patient, love is kind. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.From the famous love chapter 1 Corinthians 13, these words touch our hearts deeply and inspire us to persevere in love and never give up. This heart is especially designed for weddings, anniversaries and for love gifts of all kinds like saying thank you on Mother's Day.

Love Never Fails Heart will ship on May 5, 2009.

$20.00    3.75"      2009


Spring Pin Collection

Birds Nest Pin, Porcelain Angels and Ornaments - Margaret Furlong Designs 2009

Birds Nest Pin

Spring's trio of life.

$9.00    5/8"   New Introduction   2009

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Bud And Bow Pin, Porcelain Angels and Ornaments - Margaret Furlong Designs 2009

Bud And Bow Pin

A narcissus opens gently above a bow of ribbon.

$9.00    5/8"   New Introduction   2009

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Dogwood Blossom Pin, Porcelain Angels and Ornaments - Margaret Furlong Designs 2009

Dogwood Blossom Pin

With shell embossed petals the dogwood blossom heralds springtime.

$9.00    5/8"   New Introduction   2009

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Forget-Me-Not Three Times Pin, Porcelain Angels and Ornaments - Margaret Furlong Designs 2009

Forget-Me-Not Three Times Pin

This delicate trio of tiny flowers gently but firmly insist on your love to be remembered.

$7.00    1/2"   New Introduction   2009

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Heart Wreath Of Flowers Pin, Porcelain Angels and Ornaments - Margaret Furlong Designs 2009

Heart Wreath Of Flowers Pin

Every newly formed blossom is a symbol of hope. This heart shaped wreath of tulips, primroses and crocuses reminds us that in God's love, hope springs eternal.

$11.00    3/4"   New Introduction   2009

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Hobnail Heart Pin, Porcelain Angels and Ornaments - Margaret Furlong Designs 2009

Hobnail Heart Pin

The tender bud of Bleeding Hearts inspired this delicate heart form.

$7.00    1/2"   New Introduction   2009

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House Wren Large Pin, Porcelain Angels and Ornaments - Margaret Furlong Designs 2009

House Wren Large Pin

The backyard wrens return to raise their families.

$11.00    3/4"   New Introduction   2009

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House Wren Small Pin, Porcelain Angels and Ornaments - Margaret Furlong Designs 2009

House Wren Small Pin

The backyard wrens return to raise their families.

$7.00    1/2"   New Introduction   2009

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Iris Bouquet Pin, Porcelain Angels and Ornaments - Margaret Furlong Designs 2009

Iris Bouquet Pin

The warmth of late spring unfurls the Iris blooms to herald brightly above the blades of foliage.

$11.00    5/8"   New Introduction   2009

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Lamb Cameo Pin, Porcelain Angels and Ornaments - Margaret Furlong Designs 2009

Lamb Cameo Pin

Lambs and daisies both symbolize innocence and celebrate new life.

$14.00    1 1/4"   New Introduction   2009


New Heart Of Faith Cross Pin, Porcelain Angels and Ornaments - Margaret Furlong Designs 2009

New Heart Of Faith Cross Pin

God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.

$7.00    5/8"   New Introduction   2009

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Pot Of Tulips Pin, Porcelain Angels and Ornaments - Margaret Furlong Designs 2009

Pot Of Tulips Pin

Blooming tulips tell us true; spring is here!

$11.00    7/8"   New Introduction   2009

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Rose Of Sharon Cross Pin, Porcelain Angels and Ornaments - Margaret Furlong Designs 2009

Rose Of Sharon Cross Pin

Jesus transformed a symbol of terror into a symbol of love and hope.

$11.00    1 1/8"   New Introduction   2009

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Shamrock Pin, Porcelain Angels and Ornaments - Margaret Furlong Designs 2009

Shamrock Pin

Agree with St Patrick to bless those you love. Love times three.

$7.00    1/2"   New Introduction   2009


Viola Pin, Porcelain Angels and Ornaments - Margaret Furlong Designs 2009

Viola Pin

The viola smiles early in the spring.

$7.00    3/8"   New Introduction   2009

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