Anchor Of My Soul Pin
Let's stop, put down our anchor and soak up the sun, let the breeze caress our face and watch the shapes and swirls of the clouds, "the dust of his feet." No storms can move us from stability, peace and joy for "…we have this hope as the anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and entereth into the that within the veil."
3/4" H Introduction 2006
Dancing Star Pin

Dancing Star Pin
Smile and dance your way throughout the day. "The joy of the Lord is my strength."
1 9/16" Introduction 2006
Anchor Of My Soul Pin
“This hope we have as the anchor of the soul...”
3/4" H Introduction 2006
Bethlehem Star Pin
Guides us to the Messiah.
1 5/16" Introduction 2006
Candle Pin
“For thou wilt light my candle.”
5/8" H Introduction 2006
Christmas Tree Pin
Symbol of eternal life through Christ who died on a tree for us.
1" H Introduction 2006
Crown Pin
“God promises the crown of life to those who love Him.”
5/8" H Introduction 2006
Dancing Star Pin
Mourning turns to dancing.
1 9/16" Introduction 2006
Forget-Me-Not Wreath Pin
Love returned is forever complete.
1/2" Introduction 2006
Gift Set Pin
Gifts symbolize His love in us overflowing to others. Set of 2, largest is 5/8" high.
5/8" H Introduction 2006
Holly Pin
A symbol of eternal life, its red berries represent the blood of Christ.
5/8" H Reintroduction 2006
Love Heart Pin
Love heals broken hearts and softens hard ones.
1 1/8" H Introduction 2006
Mistletoe Wreath Pin
May be used to bestow kisses as needed…
1" Introduction 2006
Sea Star Small Pin
Like the stars of heaven, they know they are wrought by the hand of God
3/4" Introduction 2006
Shell Cross Pin
Empty cross of Victory
1" H Reintroduction 2006
Shell Wreath Small Pin
Baptized for eternity
3/4" Introduction 2006
Snowflake Pin
God’s own Christmas ornaments.
1" H Reintroduction 2006
Picture Frame "Nautilus Heart"
After two Paper Nautilus shells were joined together to form a heart, this form was finished with an open center as a picture frame. Enclose your beloved family or a special couple in this heart of love. Inspired by the sea, Designed for the soul.
5" Introduction 2006
Picture Frame "Scallop Shell"
This scallop shell that inspired this design was found off the coast of Oregon by a diver. Margaret selected this particular shell because this shell’s striations are like the soft waves of the sea and it’s overall arched shape is shallow enough to lend itself to a picture frame form. Celebrate family holidays at the shore with your photos in these frames.
5" Introduction 2006
Picture Frame "Sea Urchin"
The strong and simple circle form takes on new meaning in this Sea Urchin Frame. It is incredibly rich in textural detail. The depth of this texture creates dramatic shadows that describe every detail of the surface. Bring the beauty of the Sea into your home and the memories will follow.
5" Introduction 2006