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My first visit to my sister’s cabin in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado… We cooked outside on the campfire and hiked the steep hills all around. I shot the view of the hills with cloud shadows and the hills with the long tree shadows in the evening light from our campfire.
The mountain wildflowers were abundant, but their quiet beauty was only obvious after close inspection. The blooms were small and the colors soft. These cacti and wild anemones surrounded the cabin and the hills we hiked.
We visited the remote mining towns nearby and I especially loved the small Victorian houses reclaimed and updated for weekend homes. The chopped wood around one dear little house created privacy and wind protection.
The last photo is of my sister Mary with her beloved dog Spirit. He never leaves her side. We were gathering wood for our campfire down the hill from her cabin. This visit was a precious time with Mary in the great outdoors of the rugged Rockies.