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I just got back from Memorial Day weekend at the Oregon coast. The weather was varied—with bright spots to revel in, but cool and drizzly at times too. We kept the fireplace burning to keep it cozy inside. Sunday after a big dinner we had a great bonfire on the beach!
No matter what the weather is, there is always an opportunity to beach comb and I love to keep adding to my beach combing collections. This collection of Oregon clam and snail shells are nestled together in a large polished shell that I purchased at a wonderful shell shop in Cloverdale, Oregon. What a pleasure to decorate with the gifts from the sea!
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I love to beach comb! I’m always astounded by the beautiful finds at the beach here on the Oregon coast. Many times the tangled trails of ocean debris, at the edge of the high tide line, appear as if there is nothing worth collecting. However, if you look closely and unwind the snarls of seaweed, there are treasures to be had!
To make this nest, I untangled and gathered together many strands of wet seaweed. I then loosely wound them around the bottom of a glass to dry. This created the lovely seaweed nest.
The larger egg in this nest is a rock I also found on the beach. The smaller is a White Crowned Sparrow egg. I found this egg in my garden at the beach house. The White Crowned Sparrows makes their nest on the ground. While digging out an old lavender plant in the garden, I unfortunately disturbed a nest. I’m so sorry to have destroyed the humble little home, but I do appreciate this little speckled jewel of an egg.
I am terribly fond of this little makeshift nest and its eggs. I have it displayed on an old brown crockery plate and the combination graces my dining room table at the beach house.
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I have been collecting heart shaped rocks for about 15 years now. I keep the collection displayed at my beach house in Neskowin, Oregon; it’s a quiet, sweet little village on the Northern Oregon Coast.
The collection has turned out to be great fun over the years. When friends and family come to visit they like to comb the beach and make contributions to the collection. My daughter, Caitlin, and her girl friends have developed quite the eye for heart rocks! It’s such a simple thing but it’s been a lovely tradition at the beach.