I’m home from my Nebraska trip where I gave a talk and did a signing event at the new Falls City Library. I was completely impressed with the elegant and beautifully designed building inside and out. No wonder all of Falls City is so proud of their new library.
The success of my event first belongs to Kathy Martin who organized and oversaw every detail and also to everyone at the library and all the others that helped Kathy. I was fortunate to realize much fruit from Kathy’s work and her excellent support team. A special thanks to Jo Crawford for the photographs!
I met and visited with close to a 100 people. For me it was so nostalgic and it seemed like the years since my growing up in Falls City melted away. I just had a wonderful time!
As I mentioned in my talk that I gave before the signing, I loved growing up in Falls City; the simplicity of life and freedom for me in a safe, small town was instrumental in the development of my creative and artistic life.
The ties with the friends of my youth are powerful and have sweetened over the years. My heart is full of the love and friendship that I received from old friends and new friends.
Harvest lasts a long time here in the Willamette Valley in Oregon because of the mild climate. At Saturday Market the stalls are overflowing with produce and now there are new cool weather crops like radishes and lettuces to enjoy.
The table of peppers was my favorite – so beautiful – and ready to add to tasty harvest chili.
I have given my topiaries their final haircuts for the year. Most of the topiaries are the traditional green boxwood, but I do have some variegated boxwood and several adorable thyme trees.
They will look trimmed and neat all winter now because there won’t be any new growth during these months.
I also like to use the potted topiaries inside for the holidays. In very little time and little effort, I can fill my home with Christmas greens.
My Guardian Angel Shadow Boxes are perfect, fast and easy to frame my angels. You can see in the video two of the 5” angels framed and hanging in my downstairs hallway.
We are running a special on these shadow boxes to help you get acquainted with them. Order one or more, either the 7″ or 8″ Guardian Angel Shadow Box, and we will ship one FREE. One free shadow box per order. This is a limited time offer until the end of September.
Margaret Furlong is an artist and designer who has had a presence in the gift and home décor world for over 30 years. Whether it be design, nature, faith or family—Margaret wants to carefully savor the details.